Social media contains a wealth of data that is invaluable to the marketers. There are so many benefits of adopting a data driven mind-set for the
Competitive analysis of social media: What lies beneath
Competitive analysis of social media involves the analysis of the competitors. In the context of social media, competitive analysis suggests looking
The anatomy of social media matrix
In the present scenario, developing and sharing content over social media is a powerful marketing tool. Hence, if you can gauge the impact of this
Giving freebies: Customer sentiments for giveaways
One of the main functions of excellent marketing tactics is gaining customers. There are many things that influence customers and one of the most
Giving too much information and choices is it useful or harmful
Too many choices lead to bad decision. This phenomenon is known as ‘paradox of science’ by Barry Schwartz. He says, ‘when people have no choice, life
What is your social media score?
Sentiment analysis is a processing of natural language for analysing context, deeper conversations as they apply to theme, brand or topic. Klout is a