One of the main functions of excellent marketing tactics is gaining customers. There are many things that influence customers and one of the most effective methods is showing gratitude by giving away Freebies. When Freebies is offered, customer regards business more in positive light and will purchase goods more often.
Listed here are few effective giveaways for increasing customer retention
Care packages: Care packages should have relevance and sense of value. It is most effective when there is a booth at conference hall. Care packages should be filled with all useful items such as: pens, USB, snacks, notepad, particular company information and goodies
Clothing: Customers love free hoodies, sweats, headbands, T-shirts etc,. On festivals such freebies can be offered, which means free advertising of the product and customers always appreciate such gestures.
Sweepstakes: Large prize or vacation package helps in making a strong connection with the customers. One can easily promote them on social media and they can be spread on the web quickly, to flash brand for those who wish to participate.
Office supplies: Magnets, staplers, pens, pencils, Notepad, calendar are highly useful to consumers, these entire useful item makes great impression on customers. These small products will also serve the purpose of advertising when they will be used in office by the employees.
Besides these, there are several other ways to know what your customers feel about your product or service. Use these methods and reports and change your marketing strategies accordingly.
Date: November 6,2018
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